Utility Allowance

Notice of  Utility Allowance Revisions

Dear Resident:

The Virgin Islands Housing Authority (VIHA) has recently concluded its annual review of Resident Allowances for Utilities pursuant to 24 CFR Subpart E. As a result of this review, revisions will be made to the utility allowances for all properties effective June 1, 2016.

The utility allowances for resident-paid utilities are established by VIHA utilizing an engineering methodology for each dwelling unit category and unit size. The utility allowances are designed to approximate a reasonable consumption of utilities by an energy-conservative household of modest circumstances consistent with the requirements of a safe, sanitary, and healthy living environment. The engineering calculations considered the utility consumption requirements of essential appliances such as refrigerators, electric water heaters, and ranges. It also included consumption requirements of lighting and typical minor appliances such as televisions and ceiling fans.

VIHA maintains a record of the basis on which allowances, and revisions thereof, are established and revised. These records can be made available for inspection by residents at the Central Offices in Aureo Diaz Heights on St. Croix and Estate Tutu on St. Thomas. There is a schedule of allowances for each property available for review by clicking here.

Residents may submit written comments regarding the Resident Allowances for Utilities on or before April 30, 2016 by mail, in person at the Central Offices, the office of the property manager of the community in which you reside, or by email at [email protected]. Such written comments will be retained by VIHA and will be available for inspection by residents.

Requests for relief from payment of utility supplier billings in excess of the allowances for resident-paid utilities may be granted by VIHA on reasonable grounds such as the special needs of elderly, ill, or disabled residents, or special factors affecting utility usage not within the control of the resident. Such requests should be made to the property manager of the community in which you reside.

2024 Income Limits

Click to see limits: 2024 Income Limits

Click on the titles below, in order to view the Utility Allowance for each individual site.

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